App Maker Xrabbit ~FROM 2022~


I create and distribute apps that I personally want to make.
I try to make apps that can be used by as many people as possible.
I will provide apps that will be useful in the lives of many people.


  • Sport Game picture

    Fitness Music Box

    Music App to Support Your Training, Exercise & Muscle Building!

  • Quote picture

    Quote Flow

    今日を生きるヒントに🌿 名言アプリです!
    A hint for living today🌿 A famous quotes app!

  • Sport Game picture

    Sport Sound

    Buzzer and Fanfare Sounds: Event and Sports Sound Effects App!

  • Dramafx picture

    Dramafx Sound

    This app provides sound effects that recreate the atmosphere of movies and dramas!

  • Prime Game picture

    Prime Quiz

    Prime Number Quiz Game: Sharpen your skills in identifying prime numbers! Challenge yourself with progressively difficult questions, from easy to hard.

  • ASMR picture

    ASMR Sound

    ASMR効果音を提供するアプリで、リラックス、睡眠改善、集中力向上をサポート! 癒しの音源で、誰でも簡単に心地よい音の世界を体験できます!
    This ASMR App offers soothing sound effects to help you relax, sleep better, and improve focus! Experience a world of calming sounds easily with our diverse audio collection!

  • Watermelon Game picture

    Watermelon Game

    This is an easy and fun animal puzzle game arranged after the popular watermelon game! The animals keep merging together, and the ultimate goal is to become a big elephant at the end!

  • Fusion Cam picture

    Fusion Cam

    構図のガイドとお手本の写真を透かすことで、誰でも美しい構図の写真を撮影できるカメラアプリです。 誰でもプロ級の写真を簡単に撮影できます!
    This camera application allows anyone to take beautifully composed photos by using a composition guide and a model photo as a transparency. Anyone can easily take professional-level photos!!

  • car roulette picture

    Car Roulette

    車を用いたランダムなルーレットアプリです。 最大10名までルーレットに参加可能な無料アプリです!
    This is a random roulette application using cars. This free application allows up to 10 people to participate in roulette!

  • word count picture

    Word Count

    文字数/単語数をカウントできるアプリです。 カメラ/マイクを用いて文字入力することも可能な無料アプリです。
    This application can count the number of characters/words. This free application also allows text input using the camera/microphone.

  • ai note picture

    AI Note

    メモ帳に今はやりのchat gptを搭載しました。 自分専用のメモ帳を作っちゃいましょう! 回数無制限の無料アプリです!
    Now with the popular chat gpt in Notepad. Let's create your own notepad! It is a free application with unlimited number of times!

  • Post-it ToDo picture

    Post-it ToDo

    ​​​​​​使いやすさとカスタマイズ性を兼ね備えた洗練された付箋型ToDoアプリです。 仕事、学業、プライベートのタスクを整理し、効率的な日々を手に入れましょう!
    This sophisticated sticky note-type ToDo application combines ease of use and customizability. Organize your tasks for work, school, and private life and get more efficient days!

ー Appp Maker Xrabbit ~FROM 2022~ ー


I've been uploading applications I want to make steadily since 2022/10 !
My hobbies are cooking, reading, foreign dramas, music...


I don't need your permission to showcase my app or blog, so feel free!
If you can afford it, I'd be glad to hear from you!